SD 3468 Furniture Design
Tutor: Santina Bonini , Scot Laughton
Topics : Light, Strong , Shape plywood chair
CaseStudy_1 |
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CaseStudy_2 |
Design development_1 |
Design development_2
After Case Study, Collect the research how the chairs join together and the structure of chair.
The height , and the angle of the back, Study the dimension of the plywood chair which the almost. |
Design Concept : Material's characteristics |
Descripition : All the joining and the structure join are follow back the natural vintage designs,which can strongly present the plywood 's properties.
Design concept : Strongly lifestyle design |
Descripition: Design chair must give a relax , rest feeling to users. So in each chair details are slim and corner are lifestyle designs are the design direction.
SD3468 Final Plywood Chair Design
Group Project (with Jason Ho)